Bold Predictions for 2022 ++
Here are some of my big, bold, and crazy predictions for 2022 and beyond.
GM will start to look for a suiter or will go out of business. It’s time. Your cars are boring and your trucks are too. It’s time to go GM.
IBM will sell to AWS, Azure, or some other massive real cloud company- Salesforce maybe. How else are they going to pay off that huge bill for Red Hat?
Google will finally close on Trifacta or Collibra. Nice data wrangling or data governance tools.
A huge breakthrough in Battery Capabilities will result in cars that only need to be charged roughly twice a year. The price of a single charge will be ~$799.
The first 3D-printed heart will be transplanted into a human host. No rejection as the heart was made from the cells of the host. Okay, let's start with a swine first. It will be a pig.
Now for the crazy predictions for the next 20 Years:
Nano drones will change the world. A drone the size of a white blood cell will change our lives forever. This will result in radical new treatments for tumors, heart disease, stroke, nerve repair, and other health benefits. The human heart will no longer be needed for survival as the circulatory flow will be the result of billions of tiny nano engines.
Nanotechnology will replace current heavy military weapons. Tanks, battleships, and human troops will be obsolete.
All humans will be carriers of nano military drones which will monitor and manage your behavior independent of a government. It will be controlled by the private sector. No jab required. It will enter through your nose.
The United States dollar will no longer be the world currency and it will be replaced by a bitcoin variant. This will limit the power of the central banks. As a result, the United States government will fully collapse under the weight of its own debt.
The United States will fall behind in advanced technology as its education systems and ethical sins will cause its radical decline. The USA will emerge as a “4th world nation.” A 4th world nation is a society that was once on top of the technology world but due to its own laziness, it declines into a postmodern wild west. The eastern world radically advances.
The intelligent and hard-working persons of the United States will migrate to Russia for its freedom and protection of its culture.